Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Connect to Cloudera VM installed on your MAC using MAC terminal

So recently started working on Cloudera Hadoop. And installed Cloudera VM from their website. I am using Virtual Box for running the Cloudera Hadoop VM.

Now working on VMs is slow and tedious. You can cofigure your mac to have Mac's terminal ssh to the VM.

Here are the steps:
1. Go to Virtual Box setting for the Cloudera VM and 
open virtualbox
go to File-->Preferences-->Network and click on the "Add Host-only network (Ins)
it will create automatically a "vboxnet0" network
Click to OK to save changes

2. Now on a terminal window of Cloudera Hadoop VM, write ifconfig.
This will return you information with eth0, eth1 settings.
Get the inet addr associated with eth1
3. Go to you Mac's terminal window and type
$ ssh  training@<inet addr ip from prev step>
4. This will ask you to connect to the VM. Type "yes"
and you are in. You can check by typing at prompt - hadoop fs.
If this run's then you are connected.

-connect to cloudera vm using mac
-how to connect to cloudera vm from terminal

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