Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GlassFish 4 plugin with Eclipse Juno

Java EE 7 & GlassFish 4 are getting hot in popularity. With GlassFish 4 being adopted by many enterprises for their application development and EAI, hence I thought of writing this post of a quick way to introduce GlassFish into yours and your eclipse's life.

The GlassFish Server is a compliant implementation of the Java EE 7 platform. 

The GlassFish Eclipse Plugins
The starting place for Eclipse are the GlassFish Eclipse plugins. They moved into the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) project a while back and are still there to be installed and configured separately.

Install the Plugin
This works as expected. If you stick to the update site you simply go to Preferences->Install/Update->Available Software Sites and make sure that the above mentioned site is defined and checked. Install the GlassFish Tools and the Java EE 6 and/or Java EE 7 documentation and sources according to your needs. Click next two times, read through the license and check accept. Click Finish to install. The download gets everything in place and you have to finish the installation with a re-start.

I had some of the componenet already installed hence in the below pic you will not see all the components that will be available for download.

Add GlassFish as your server

In the server type, look for Glassfish.  If not there, click ‘Download additional server adapters’.  Look for and click on Glassfish Tools and click Next. Go through prompts to download.  Eclipse will likely need to be restarted. Then go through steps to set up a new server again.

You can also access the Glass fish admin console using URL - http://localhost:4848/

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