Monday, December 28, 2015

Camel CXF REST API and Active MQ running on JBoss EAP

If you are looking for an full sample application that uses Camel CXF REST APIs and Active MQ, running on JBoss EAP then look no further. Clone this Github project 
This project uses Camel CXF REST API and Active MQ. This project is created to run as a web archive on JBoss EAP server.
It contains all the configurations required to use following components:
  • Camel CXF REST API
  • Apache MQ
  • configuration using Spring XML schema
  • CamelSpringTestSupport Unit testing framework

brew update fails on Mac OS 10.11.x EL Capitan - Solution

If you are getting error like:

error: unable to unlink old '.gitignore' (Permission denied)

error: unable to create file .travis.yml (Permission denied)

then you need to do following.

use command brew doctor to get a list of potential issues and solutions

$brew doctor

For this particular issue, the solution was to change ownership on /usr/local

$sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

That is it. Now brew update should work!